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Events Calendar
The Spokane Walleye Club is organized to educate, encourage, and stimulate interest in angling for Walleyes and other spiny ray species. We seek the cooperation with all other organizations or agencies with similar objectives. We encourage the observance and enforcement of all game laws, conservation of all fisheries, and fighting pollution in all waters. Family participation in all activities is encouraged, and club sponsored activities will be directed toward these goals.
Mike landed this 32 inch walleye during the Spokane Walleye Club Fall Camp Out at Ft Spokane. Fish released. (Picture Sep 11, 2021)
General membership meetings are open to the public. If you would like to learn more about fishing for walleyes in the Inland Northwest, come to the Inland Northwest Wildlife Council near the corner of Market and Francis. (6116 North Market Street) Our meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month at 7 pm. (No meetings June, July or December)
Join us in the fun, Click Here for a Membership Application