Brian and Greg: Porcupine Bay - 6/10

New member Brian H. met me in Airway Heights after work and we drove to Porcupine Bay (Spokane Arm Lake Roosevelt) for some evening fishing. We were on the lake before 5 PM and fished until 9 PM. We kept 16 nice walleyes and release a few that were pretty small. They averaged 16 inches, and we landed an 18, a 19, and a 21 inch fish. Not bad for 4 hours!  I have really enjoyed fishing with some of our new members this spring...good guys and they know their stuff.

Boaters beware! Lake Roosevelt has quickly risen to nearly full pool after being drawn down over 40 feet this spring. There is a lot of debris in the lake. It is especially bad from the Narrows to Buoy 5. (Upriver from Porcupine Bay)

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