Greg K: West Medical - 5/8
My neighbor has Mondays off and his 5 year old loves to talk about fishing on my boat. He often asks to play pretend fishing on my boat while it is in my garage. Today we decided to do some fishing for real, and headed to West Medical Lake for a couple of hours. After the first hour of trolling, I was beginning to think that we were going to have to "pretend to catch some fish". We trolled the middle of the lake (25-30 feet of water) adding weights to get our spinners and crawlers to various depths. I couldn't even mark a fish. The few boats that were on the lake didn't seem to be catching anything, either.
By hour two, we were at the far north end of the lake. Finally, little Aidan's Mutant Ninja Turtle pole bent, and he exclaimed that he had a fish. Sure enough, he reeled in a 9 inch rainbow. For the next hour, we trolled the shallows (8 to 15 feet deep) along the bank and caught 5 more little trout. As we put fish in my live well, we noticed several chironomids up to 3/4" in length in the well. Evidently, the fish were in the warmer, shallow water eating these aquatic insects before they hatched.