Jack: Roosevelt - 9/15-17
I stayed Tuesday 14th to Friday night Sept. 17. Friend, Mark arrived from Lewiston late Tuesday night.
Wednesday: I took him up to Blue Cr. on the 15th and fished that day using bottom bouncers and green/pink wallypops. Mark hooked one, and I hooked three. We called it a day mid afternoon.
Thursday: Mark wanted to try for triploids. So we went down to Hawk Cr. Folks we spoke with were jigging for walleye and had fish in the boat when we arrived. Most trout fishermen were either skunked or found fishing to be VERY slow. We, ourselves, returned to camp with one walleye and one trout for 5 hours of fishing.
Friday: a.m. we returned to Blue Cr for some more walleye and Mark boated three. I had one, maybe two hits but did not bring any fish to the boat. We headed in around 2 as the sprinkles began. He was headed back to Lewiston by 3 as the sprinkles turned into a steady, and at times intense, downpour into the night hours. Around 8 p.m. It stopped long enough for me to pull camp and head out. So I did not fish Sat. a.m. as I had planned.