Mike C: Roosevelt - 3/3 & 6
1.. sat 3/3, kf area, morn bite south of sherman creek (there was significant current) 20-40'. large fish. 2-9lbs. no dinks. blades w'little action. lots of misses as fish were hitting on the initial cast/drop.
2.. sun 3/4, long lk. various spots closer to 9mi launch area up to little spo mouth. not fast & furious! very very subtle blade bite. 4-21'. but good fish. 2-8lbs. seemed to be affected by current flow. flow slowed & it got even tougher.
3.. tues 3/6 kf again. zero fish at sherman this time. zero at colville flats. found them in 8-16' off the main break in east singer bay. jigs & blades.