Travis: Roosevelt - 7/7

I'm not 20 anymore and the Snake River took it's toll on my the day before.  It's probably more of the drive to and from, but either way, I was tired.  We rolled out to Porcupine Bay about noon and started fishing up in the narrows.  I went to my usual haunts, but the wind suddenly picked up which made boat control a real challenge for pitchin' small cranks, which I like to do this time of year.  We picked up a couple at the mouth of the narrows and a little farther down as well.  Trying to get some relief from the wind, we made our way North of Porcupine to pitch cranks in some of the smaller bays, which is another solid strategy for this time of year.  We fished a big mudline with the normal colors and we got nothin'....  Switching up colors made all of the difference.  Walleye and other fish are not iguanas, but they ain't far from it, either.  All of the eyes that we pulled out of that mudline were pail.  So we put on a white bellied Wally Diver ( I had two) and we proceeded to rake fish out of that mudline.  The evening bite was non-eventful.  For the day, we ended up with 14 eaters and a bass that wasn't lucky...... I've had much better, but not a bad day on Roosevelt.  If we hadn't had to battle the wind, I'm certain we could've done better.


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