Greg: Roosevelt - 10/31/2023
I made a quick trip to Roosevelt before getting home for the Trick or Treaters. My truck’s thermometer read 23 degrees as I hit the dip in Highway 2 at Deep Creek at 9 AM. By the time I got to Fort Spokane, the truck said it was 33 degrees with fog coming off the lake. It took nearly 2 hours for me to get my first bite and another hour to get my second. Bites were few and far between, but every bite I got resulted in a fish in the net. I ended up catching 6 walleyes in 5 hours of fishing, and they were good ones. I released a 22 incher and kept a 19, two 18s, two 17s and a 15. The water temperature was 59 degrees. There was a chilly north wind in the morning, but sunshine, light winds, and a high near 50 made for a pleasant afternoon.
More info for club members: No bites across from Seven Bays, and I marked nothing there on the Humminbird. I picked up one fish on the upper end of Outhouse Flats and another on the flat across from Split Rock. I picked up the other 4 walleyes in the Nayborly area…and these fish were the biggest. Fifty feet was the most productive depth. I tried shallower and deeper without much luck. I marked the 22 incher as I motored over the top of a deep hump. I did my best impression of a YouTube star and immediately hit spot lock and nailed him with my first cast with a blade bait. Wow!!!! Never successfully did that before. The rest of the walleyes were caught on metallic colored Smile Blades trolled behind a 3 ounce bouncer.
22 inch walleye (released) on a blade bait.
One of Travis’s custom blade baits wedged deep in a 22 inch walleye’s mouth.
A fat 19 inch walleye. I discovered that it was a male when I cleaned it.