Banks Lake: Greg - 4/20/2024
My 15 year old son and I towed the boat to Banks Lake to meet his buddy and his family camping at Steamboat Rock. The weather forecast wasn’t great for a weekend of fishing, but we were hoping to get a few hours Saturday afternoon and evening with light winds. After a couple hours at camp enjoying snacks and games, we launched the boat around 3 pm and fished until 6 pm. We ended up putting 3 walleyes in the boat (18, 18.5 and 21 inches) and a perch that was big enough to keep. The wind was out of the east when we began and was increasing out of the south when we got off the water. The air temperature was around 60 and the water temperature 48.
More info for cub members: My son and I, his friend, and his father were in the boat. I was hoping to get to Barker Flats across the lake. Unfortunately, the water was increasingly rough as we got to the main lake. The calm water downwind of Steamboat Rock (east wind) looked very inviting, so I changed course and headed that way. As we approached the flat on the west side of Steamboat Rock, I noticed good concentrations of fish on the Humminbird between 45 and 50 feet. We put baits down and Grant’s friend landed a 18.5 inch walleye within 5 minutes. His dad got an 18 incher 20 minutes later. Then another 21 inch fish a half hour later, and then a perch. As the clouds rolled in and the winds shifted to the south, the bite ended and we headed into camp for a fish fry.
Big smile and a 21 inch walleye
A pair of proud 15 year old boys
A walleyes tasty little cousin
Marshmallows are a tasty way to end the day.